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Thanks to Bonnie Brewster Munroe at the 2005 SDSU Graduate Student Board Conference (third from bottom), I got to walk a labyrinth, a canvas 7-circuit labyrinth that she had rolled out on the floor of a large conference room. I walked it with 12 other people. It was like a dance that we danced just by following the lines.

I was very impressed. I want to tell you all to find a labyrinth to walk if you can. The circuits took me almost all the way around the circle and at each turn I felt a new vista open.

I hope to get the people at the Kroc Center to have a labyrinth there.

The grace cathedral page has a picture right on it-- so I made it the link for this link.

Added by colin #442 on 2005-04-27. Last modified 2005-04-27 23:25. F0 License: Attribution
Location: World
Topics: community, spirit, walking
: dance

Colin Leath <>    

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