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Pro Walk/Pro Bike 2004 Sept. 7-10, 2004 Vancouver, BC

Creating Active Communities is the theme of this year's conference. Walkable and bicycle-friendly communities are active communities. Pro Walk/Pro Bike 2004 will bring together the best and the brightest to set the course for walking and bicycling for the 21st century.

Added by colin #442 on 2004-05-30. Last modified 2005-10-23 20:53. F0 License: Attribution
Location: World, Canada, British Columbia, Vancouver
Topics: conference, cycling, walking

The Conference

The National Center for Bicycling & Walking's biennial symposium typically attracts an international gathering of more than 600 bicycle and pedestrian program specialists, advocates, and government leaders committed to improving conditions for bicycling and walking.

We Added Pedestrian Topics

At the 1994 conference in Portland, Oregon, we expanded our program to include pedestrian facilities and issues as well as bicycling. Workshops and training sessions focusing on pedestrian topics are now an important part of our overall conference schedule.

And, as a special nod to the growing importance of pedestrian topics, the 2004 Victoria gathering will be the first time the conference has carried the reversed moniker of "Pro Walk/Pro Bike." With the conference theme of Creating Active Communities, you'll hardly notice the swap in the conference name: both activities lead to active communities!

Colin Leath <>    

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