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The Carfree Universe Project (CFU) has been archived.
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Carfree San Diego discussion and announcement list

Link: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/carfreesd/

Set your email preferences to "Special Notices" if you do not wish to participate in email discussions, but do wish to be notified when events have been finalized.

From the list description:

We are a group of concerned individuals/citizens who feel that cars have become a nuisance to society. We want to take back our city by raising awareness about car issues and building a critical mass of self propelled realists. We want a CARFREE San Diego!

Thanks to Jordan for setting this up!

Added by colin #442 on 2005-06-27. Last modified 2006-02-13 00:16. F0 License: Attribution
Location: World, United States, California, San Diego
Topics: discussion list
: important

Colin Leath <>    

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