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9th Continental Bioregional Congress, July 9-17 2005

You are invited to join us in congress. Across the planet, people recognize that we must become guardians of our life-places. Human beings have long understood that security is found in acting responsibly at home, in our neighborhoods and watersheds - our bioregions. Bioregions are living systems where every being is connected to, and interdependent with every other; bioregions are not defined by property lines, states, or nations, but by rock, soil, weather, water, terrain, plants, animals, human cultures and human settlements.

Added by colin #442 on 2005-02-06. Last modified 2005-02-06 19:31. F0 License: Attribution
Location: World, United States, North Carolina, Black Mountain, Earthaven
Topics: bioregionalism


The Congress Site

The congress will be held at Earthaven Ecovillage, an off-grid, intentional community of about 75 people who are dedicated to learning and teaching replicable models of sustainable human culture. A map for those driving to the Congress will be included in your registration. We are located in Katuah bioregion in culturally rich, biologically diverse western North Carolina, an hour southeast of Asheville. Lying between 2000 and 2600 feet elevation, our 320 acres of forested mountain land consist of three converging creek valleys with springs, bottomland, and steep slopes.

Indoor meeting facilities include the Council Hall, the White Owl café/nightclub, the A&A guest house, and Villages Terraces co-housing.

Colin Leath <>    

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