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European Cyclists' Federation

Link: http://www.ecf.com/

I wish I'd known about this earlier. "The European Cyclists' Federation (ECF) is pledged to ensure that bicycle use achieves its fullest potential so as to bring about sustainable mobility and public well-being. To achieve these aims, the ECF seeks to change attitudes, policies and budget allocations at the European level.

The ECF will stimulate and organise the exchange of information and expertise on bicycle related transport policies and strategies as well as the work of cyclists movement." and their goals:

Aims and Objectives

To promote and encourage cycling in the countries of Europe as an economic, efficient, healthy and environmentally friendly means of transport and recreation. The ECF shall act as a federation of member groups throughout Europe.

To raise the status of cycling and to promote recognition of the benefits of cycling for both individuals and society as a whole.

To encourage consideration of cyclists' needs in Europe in all aspects of transport planning and management, environment, safety and health, and promote cycle-friendly conditions throughout Europe.

To support member groups on matters of national and international importance relating to the aims of the ECF.

To undertake research on matters relating to cycling, transportation, environment and safety.

To enhance the information and advice available to member groups and thus assist in their activities nationally and internationally.

To promote the exchange of information and expertise between member organisations.

To make available services of member organisations to individual members of member organisations in other countries.

To hold conferences on a regular basis in Europe in order to discuss matters relating to cycling, transport, environment and safety.

To provide information and expertise in order to raise the awareness of specific groups: international bodies and institutions, politicians, planners, manufacturers/trade groups, bicycle holiday agents/tourism authorities, environmental and transport groups with regard to cycling and its benefits and needs.

Added by colin #442 on 2003-09-19. Last modified 2003-09-19 22:26. F0 License: Attribution
Location: World
xregion: Europe

Topics: activism, community, cycling, Human Powered Vehicles (HPV), live power, policy development, urban planning

Colin Leath <>    

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