Graduate application document indexLinks to documents submitted for graduate school application and a brief discussion of the process.
Added by colin #442 on 2004-10-09. Last modified 2005-04-27 22:06. Originally created 2004-10-09. F0 License: Attribution
I spent a lot of effort preparing to apply to graduate school. I link to these documents here to help us decide whether it was worth it. The only application I submitted and plan to submit (for the time being) was to San Diego State. These writing samples are significant because they are my best effort—I revised these until I was happy with each one. I recommend reading the ritually formatted PDF versions, but I’ve also made HTML versions available.
- Statement of purpose (HTML)
- Writing sample
- The use of imagery, versification, sound patterning, and sound effects in Shakespeare’s sonnet 33 (HTML) There is a small thing or two I could fix in that. Compare with the earlier version. Revision probably took three full working days’ worth of focus.
- Is there love in A Midsummer Night’s Dream? (HTML)