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me, my life + infrastructure carfree / driving blog

Link: http://www.memyi.us/carfreedriving/index.html

An impressive blog I found when looking at which sites link to this one (not many) using the gigablast search engine.

Heidi led me to a new carfree song (sortof) which I spent hours fiddling with... She reminds me that there are some people who seem to be able to manage / produce / assimilate vast amounts of text with frequency.

Added by colin #442 on 2004-04-18. Last modified 2004-04-18 17:36. F0 License: Attribution
Location: World, United States, Missouri, Kansas City
Topics: log or journal, women

Colin Leath <>    

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   me, my life + infrastructure carfree / driving blog, by colin on 2004-04-19 16:21:44

I linked to her blog before.

I'm wondering if blogs should have their own topic... but I figure they can't keep this up forever, and then they'll be more like the trip journals.

Both hers and the velorution blog continue to be good and impressively frequent.

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