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The Farm Community

Link: http://www.thefarmcommunity.com/

The real web site for the farm. Not "www.thefarm.org," which is only for the Ecovillage Training Center. There is one carfree couple here with a 3(?) year old daughter- Allison and Schmuel, who know Randy Ghent of carbusters from their time working for EarthFirst! journal in Missoula, Montana, USA. I hope to write more later.

Added by colin #442 on 2003-09-19. Last modified 2003-09-19 21:23. F0 License: Attribution
Location: World, United States, Tennessee, Summertown, TheFarm
Topics: community, ecovillages

Colin Leath <>    

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   Allison and Schmuel & daughter, by colin on 2004-04-16 21:21:13

Here's the section of my travelog when I was at The Farm. Friday was when I spoke to Allison & Schmuel.

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