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Jeffrey Saywer's comments on article permissions

This article is free. The original piece or selected sections of the text are available for reprinting, reproduction or may be placed independently, as PDF or in any form, on any website (with only title, author and original magazine publication and date listed) without further permission, unless used for financial purposes. Under which circumstance, permission from the author is required by email. The author does not necessarily endorse the views of the sites on which the article is available.

Added by jeffreysawyer #2 on 2003-06-22. Last modified 2007-04-10 20:25. Originally created 2003-06-22. F0 License: Attribution
Location: World
Topics: introduction, ,

This article is free. The original piece or selected sections of the text are available for reprinting, reproduction or may be placed independently, as PDF or in any form, on any website (with only title, author and original magazine publication and date listed) without further permission, unless used for financial purposes. Under which circumstance, permission from the author is required by email. The author does not necessarily endorse the views of the sites on which the article is available.

Jeffrey Sawyer <>    

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