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The Quarry Village - Carfree Living in the Hills of Hayward California

Link: http://quarryvillage.org/

A development of 1000 homes designed for carfree living has been proposed for a 30-acre site in Hayward, CA.

Quarry Village is one of the most pure carfree projects yet to be proposed in the Western US. There will only be 70 parking spaces for the 1000 homes. The village is centered around a 2.1 mile bus transit link that connects the village to the Hayward BART (a six minute ride) and California State University, Hayward.

The project is currently attempting to demonstrate enough of a market to arrange the purchase of the site land from CalTrans when it becomes available in 2008 or 2009.

At the time of writing, the site has some bad links. Go to the document library to find the detailed proposal.

Additional links:

Added by colin #442 on 2006-03-13. Last modified 2006-03-29 20:35. F0 License: Attribution
Location: World, United States, California, Hayward
Topics: boosterism, building the carfree city, media campaign \ propaganda, public transit

Colin Leath <>    

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