Update April 2005Progress on the site.
Added by rod #6 on 2005-04-02. Last modified 2005-10-24 21:36. Originally created 2005-04-02. F0 License: All rights reserved
UPDATE (2005-10-24): Visit my new home page for the latest news.
Here are pictures of the homestead that I am getting close to complete.
Nearly all of the materials came from the site - wood, sand, clay,
stone. Some elements include adobe, cob, cordwood, earthsack, vertical
crawl space, living roof (garden), passive solar, off the grid with
three solar panels providing ample electricity since I use LED lights
(one watt each) and a refrigerator that takes 150 watts a day, slab and
wood tile floors, rain water catchment, spring water for drinking - no
payments, no utility bills!! Having a simple living style makes life
more fun and much less stressful. Am starting a polyculture,
mountainside agriculture system now.
Here's a picture of the house from November 2004: