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Link The Reality: a creative attempt to get car-users to be more aware of reality. remote url Link 2004-05-20 2004-05-20
  A creative piece by Jill Cloutier in "Hopedance":http://hopedance.org I want to keep track of: <blockquote>The Reality was "a car designed to take drivers into the 21st century and beyond. A car so unusual, it will change your life forever. Once you have been inside a Reality, you will never view driving in the same way again." </blockquote> I'm trying to sum the thing up. It is hard to read (at least online), partly due to a formatting problem... It is a fairly complete/ nearly exhaustive attempt to get car drivers to be aware of the full costs of car-use... the *full* costs. In the end, the hero/ine wants to get away from that Reality... So it is a strange, unsimple ending. The basic message seems to be playing with how to increase awareness of the effects and costs of our choices or an irony about how well-hidden the costs of car-use are... Maybe later I'll attempt to be more coherent about this... The actual paper issue had, I believe, links to sources for the reality portrayed in the article... This was exhaustively researched. I'll try to find those links and add them here.
Document The reality Document 2004-05-20 2008-03-05 2004-05-20
  A better formatted version of http://hopedance.org/archive/40/articles/20.html. My comments are at http://purl.oclc.org/net/cfu/Members/colin/theRealityCar
Discussion Item The Reality: a creative attempt to get car-users to be more aware of reality. Discussion Item 2004-05-21 2004-05-21
  The Reality: a creative attempt to get car-users to be more aware of reality.
Document Carless and Carfree Document 2004-05-21 2004-05-21 2004-05-21
  Marylaine Block's "Carless and Carfree" column from September 1996. I copied it here to format it a bit better. She didn't want the whole thing here, because she wanted people to visit her site... but the format on her site is hard to read... just so you know I'm being arrogant and disrespectful (and figuring nothing really bad will happen...). The original is at: http://marylaine.com/myword/cars.html
Discussion Item Marylaine Block Discussion Item 2004-05-21 2004-05-21
  Marylaine Block
Link Sail Transport Network remote url Link 2004-05-21 2004-06-24
  I can't tell if this is going anywhere (it is hard for me to tell how much and how far a lot of Jan Lundberg's projects go...) but this one is relevant to "ecotravel":http://lists.riseup.net/www/info/ecotravel. <blockquote> "Sail Transport Network intends to resurrect renewable-energy travel and freight. STN was begun in 2000 in the Puget Sound where there are hundreds of harbor-towns and inlets in protected waters. We present this opportunity to network with sailors who are cognizant of the role sailboats will once again play in transport in coastal areas as gas, propane and diesel prices continue to climb according to the law of supply and demand." </blockquote>
News Item Ride of Silence May 19, 7:00 p.m. News Item 2004-05-21 2004-05-25
  Will this be yearly now, on May 19? On May 19, the Ride of Silence will roll across the country, starting at 7:00 PM. In more than 50 cities in the U.S. and Canada, cyclists will take to the roads in a silent procession to honor cyclists who have been killed or injured while cycling on public roadways.
Link probicycle - vehicular cycling advocacy remote url Link 2004-05-21 2004-05-21
  I hate being around cars on a bicycle, so I cannot advocate anything but carfree environments... and I will ride a bike for recreation (pleasure, enjoyment) on separated (car-free) bike trails / paths, but not on roads. For some reason these vehicular cyclist folks like to make a lot of noise. "Tom Frost Jr.":http://www.newmilfordbike.com/Tom2000-03.htm with his "BICYCLISTS' RIGHTS TRIAD":http://www.newmilfordbike.com/Triad.htm is one, and the head guy is "John Forester":http://www.johnforester.com/. Jack Taylor of "Bicycle Georgia":http://www.serve.com/bike/georgia/ seems to be the one behind probicycle. Holy hell, I just found out that John Forester lives "only a few miles from where I was living in San Diego":http://www.google.com/search?q=7585+Church+St+Lemon+Grove%2C+CA+91945-2306, and where my grandma still is. Maybe I'll visit him. I'm skeptical of anyone who lives in such a place (I may have walked right by his house when working at the Lemon Grove st. fair), and who calls himself a bicycle advocate. But who knows maybe he's carfree (I'd be amazed). I think he lives in one of the worst places imaginable, but he is close to the trolley stop. "Facilities activism":http://carfreeuniverse.org/s/facilities%20activism focuses on creating paths for peds and cyclists separated from roads... I hope to have something on the whole greenway movement written up on this site in a bit. The discussion list corresponding to probicycle.com is is at "http://sports.groups.yahoo.com/group/chainguard/":http://sports.groups.yahoo.com/group/chainguard/.
Link People Not Cars remote url Link 2004-05-21 2004-05-21
  Very cool. Food-not-bombs inspired? And they have a movie. I haven't been able to hear it with sound yet- tell me how it is. Are there any PNCs outside of Vancouver?
Link Carless surname geneology and meaning remote url Link 2004-05-21 2004-05-21
  In "hopedance mag":http://hopedance.org, I encountered an "article":http://hopedance.org/new/issues/44/article9.html by "Sally Carless":http://globalvillageschool.org/staff.html. I thought she might be like Susan Lee Solar, who changed her surname to make a point. But it is a real last name. In fact, there is even a "Petrochem Carless Ltd":http://www.petrochemcarless.com/ : <blockquote>Petrochem Carless is the leading European refiner and supplier of high performance speciality hydrocarbons, advanced automotive fluids and speciality chemicals.</blockquote> Here's one "Carless geneology forum":http://genforum.genealogy.com/carless/. If you have any information on the history of this name, please fill me in. (I'm too afraid to register on the site and ask the forum for fear of what they'll do with my email address). Anyone for starting a new line in the Carless family tree? Colin Carless... hmm. Aha- googling "carless family name origin" led to: <blockquote><h1><a href="http://privatewww.essex.ac.uk/~alan/family/S-Carelesse.html">The origin of the name <i>Carelesse</i></a></h1> <h2>derivative of <i>Carless</i></h2> English (chiefly West Midlands): nickname for a carefree person, from Old English <i>carleas</i> (a compound of <i>caru + leas</i> <tt>grief, care + free from, without</tt>). <p> Variants: <b>Careles</b>, <b>Careless</b>; <b>Corless</b> (Lancashire); <b>Curless</b>. Cited from: Hanks and Hodges 1988, _A Dictionary of Surnames_. Oxford University Press </blockquote>
Discussion Item Public purpose / Wendell Cox Discussion Item 2004-05-21 2004-05-21
  Public purpose / Wendell Cox
Link Path to freedom - Urban homestead remote url Link 2004-05-21 2004-06-28
  Our objective is to live harmoniously and sustainably as possible in the midst of the city. On our urban homestead project incorporates many back-to-basic practices, permaculture methods, and appropriate technologies for our present circumstances. We minimize our car use, buy in bulk, prepare seasonal meals from our garden, and much more! We enjoy sharing our knowledge and helping others develop along their journey. It's a massive site... I've only looked at a bit of it. Lois Arkin on the "urban ecovillage list":http://urban.ecovillage.org/join/discussion.shtml points out "ecohome.org":http://www.ecohome.org/ as another, related, LA area project.
Document The Carfree Movement: a one-minute speech for a green festival Document 2004-05-23 2004-05-27 2004-05-23
  This is a one-minute speech for the first annual GreenEarth festival (http://hopedance.org/new/greenfest.html).
Document Carfree Movement opinion piece for San Diego State Daily Aztec Document 2004-05-23 2008-03-05 2004-05-23
  This details the process and results of attempting to become an opinion writer for San Diego State's _Daily Aztec_ paper. It includes tips on opinion writing for campus papers, the two versions of the carfree movement op-ed piece I submitted, and carfree yahoogroup members' comments on an early draft of the first version. I conclude with some thoughts about what I learned from the experience, and what I and others might take away from it for next time.
Link Permaculture Credit Union remote url Link 2004-05-24 2004-05-24
  The history of financial institutions is one of focus on the bottom line which results in overexploitation of the earth's resources. Now, an innovative new financial institution - Permaculture Credit Union - has been established to allow its members to share their excess with other members of like mind who would use it for sustainable projects and, at the same time, take care of the Earth. Permaculture Credit Union utilizes a unique strategy of combining sound financial business practice with earth care ethics to supply its members with a growing set of financial services. I found this in "hopedance":http://www.hopedance.org/new/issues/44/article3.html.
Link San Luis Obispo County Bicycle Coalition remote url Link 2004-05-24 2004-05-27
  The initial meeting was June 26, 2001 at "Hostel Obispo":http://hostelobispo.com! The coalition, the hostel, and hopedance mag, and the greenearth festival are all reasons I've come here (and the campus, and the openspace, and the train). Note that last I heard you must email Joe Gilpin directly to get added to the announcement list. From their site: <blockquote> We're slowly transforming SLO County into a safer and more livable community for cyclist and pedestrian alike! Our Mission To transform San Luis Obispo County into a safer and more livable community by promoting cycling and walking for everyday transportation and recreation. Our Values * Public Access to Open Spaces * Sustainable Land Use Planning and Urban Development * A Healthy Population and Environment * Economic Vitality * An Efficient Transportation System that Provides Equal Mobility for All Our Goals Our Goals for 2004 will be posted shortly Our Vision We envision the County of San Luis Obispo as a vibrant community with a vital economy; a community where walking, cycling, and convenient mass-transit make personal mobility safe, simple and fun. Central downtown areas would be designed for pedestrians and cyclists. Well-planned mixed-use neighborhoods would offer a balance of high and low-density housing with commercial resources nearby. Abundant open spaces would make easy access for all. A thriving eco-tourism industry would emphasize the use of public transportation and outdoor recreation. We also see a future where county residents value and enjoy clean air, active lifestyles, and the natural beauty of their surroundings. Opportunities would abound for people to interact more frequently and courteously in public because they would rely less on the automobile. Pedestrians, cyclists, and drivers would all use our county roads with mutual respect and cooperation. A majority of students would frequently walk and ride their bikes, and as a result young people of San Luis Obispo County would shift their focus away from automobiles as their primary source of transportation and recreation. Employers would offer incentives to workers to commute to work by bicycle or public transportation. An efficient multi-use tranportation system would make commuting easy by linking the communities of the county to each other, the state, and nation beyond. More personal and public resources would be channeled into making the county a great place for people to live with less emphasis on accommodation for motor vehicles. Citizens would not only be informed about current events but also eagerly participate in decision-making on all levels with equal say. Visitors and residents alike would appreciate the healthy, harmonious environment of our county.
Link business cards / recycled cardstock remote url Link 2004-05-24 2004-05-24
  A collection of links for business cards and business card stock. Many times, especially when bicycling across countries, I wished I had something easy to hand people with some contact info and web site addresses. In addition, a common NYC advertising tactic is small cards stuck in phone booths or other visible places. Little cards could also be left in campus library carrels, or under windshield wipers on cars. Business cards seem fairly expensive. I'm collecting links here on places where it looks like I can get cards or cardstock with at least some recycled content. Using normal paper and cutting it up is another possibility. A google search brings up lots of junk. One of the best sites seems to be from "msn shopping":http://www.eshop.msn.com/fts/ftsresults.aspx?pcid=8393. For large orders, "keysan":http://www.keysan.com/ksu1168a.htm might be competitive? Any other ideas of companies or business card alternatives?
Document Letter to Editor re: "free market" Document 2004-05-24 2008-03-05 2004-05-24
  A response to some foolishness. (should I be spending my time on this?) Actually, if I take it seriously and treat everyone with respect I'd delete the preceeding and simply write: Response to editorial with highlighted text (what is the techinical term for that set apart and bolded text?),
Document Public comment to planning commission on SLO Marketplace EIR Document 2004-05-27 2008-03-05 2004-05-27
  2004-05-26 7 p.m. - 11 p.m. (it continued, I left). I wrote these notes while listening to the presentation.
Link SLO carfree activism announcement list remote url Link 2004-05-28 2004-05-28
  This is a one-way (newsletter-type) email list for people who wish to be informed about San Luis Obispo area carfree activism. If there is demand for a general discussion listserv (I hope there is) it is easy to start another. Specific projects ideas include: o organizing educational presentations (such as for the June 5 2004 <a href="http://hopedance.org/new/greenfest.html">GreenEarth festival</a>) o starting a local affiliate of <a href="http://carfreeuniverse.org/Members/colin/americawalks">America Walks!</a> o starting a U.S. affiliate of the <a href="http://worldcarfree.net">World Carfree Network</a>.</li> o finding ways to support the <a href="http://carfreecity.us">carfreecity.us</a> project. o supporting carfree and pedestrian-friendly development in SLO County. o Establishing an ecovillage along the lines of <a href="http://earthaven.org/">Earthaven</a> with the goal of developing an entirely carfree village economy of 200 or more people. And any other ideas you might have.
News Item World Car Free Days: week of September 22nd, yearly News Item 2004-05-28 2004-05-29
  World Car Free Days occur every year in some parts of the world around September 22nd (and also on Earthday, April 24, or so!). This is a collection of some websites about these festivals.
Link Carfree Seattle remote url Link 2004-05-28 2004-05-28
  Be sure to visit "Your Guide to Going Car-Free," which has short bios of carfree and nearly car-free people. <blockquote>Carfree Seattle is but a small part of the global carfree movement, an ongoing campaign aimed at making automobiles obsolete in urban areas where population density favors mass transit and other more efficient and environmentally friendly modes of transportation, such as walking, bussing, cycling. Overuse of automobiles makes people lazy and antisocial. It also fosters a dependence on oil resources which has short-circuited America's foreign policy while totally screwing the environment. Any move away from auto dependency is a step towards sanity and sustainability. The future is in your hands. Your every action has an impact. Carpool, ride mass transit, walk, bike. The phasing out of the automobile is an evolutionary step. ----------------------------------- Who Do We Think We Are? We are a loose coalition of artists, students, parents, teachers, children, and alternative transportation activists organizing to spread the idea that cars are a problem. Cars suck and we demand better options. The goal of this website is to provide information and materials to spread the car-free concept. We seek to empower and enable individuals to make positive changes in their local communities. We need your help. Distribute flyers, hang posters, share information. Lead by example. Take the initiative. No one is going to do it for you. Your participation is the solution. A better world is possible. Car-free Goals: * Raise awareness of alternative transportation, especially non-motorized modes * Reclaim the streets with fun events * Celebrate walkable communities * Send the message that cities should be organized around PEOPLE, not cars * Provide a networking opportunity for alternative transportation activists * Set a precedent for other communities to follow </blockquote>
Link Go by bicycle remote url Link 2004-05-28 2004-05-28
  A Portland cycling zine.
Link Michael Washington remote url Link 2004-05-29 2004-05-29
  Wow is about all I can say. I saw him around SLO, and today saw him again and stopped to talk. His website says most of what he told me, and the pictures look current. He's waiting for the wind to change to start heading north to his workshop in Cape somewhere in south-central Oregon. He doesn't have a stash of money that he lives off of. He can make $300 - $500 a week busking, and has many other skills. He was a dancer. He does smoke roll-your-own, but he's a hell of a lot tougher than I am. I don't think he has a SLO address any more... He camps out every night (an easy thing to do here) in an undisclosed location. Here's the text from his main page, but you should see the pictures. <blockquote> Car Free since 1961 - Biked 3/4 million miles - Averages 70 miles a day - Ridden from top of globe to bottom of globe 30K miles - Biked across 6 of 7 continents with Africa next including: - Biked across US 8 times (4 round trips - first TransAm 1961) - Southernmost tip of S America, Patagonia to Ashland OR 16K miles, 2001/02 - Greenland bikeable perimeter 40% - Australian outback.[1] - Arctic Circle (with rode there from Laguna Beach) '87 - Antarctica '88 (from Arctic Circle) - Russia (Leningrad to Istanbul Turkey) '82 - Europe 5 times from '68 to '98. N to S & E to W - - India '68. '71, '74, '76 to see Yogi Ramsut Kumar China 83 - Made own shelter (modular to fits six people, weighs 6 lbs, houses bikes & gear, goes up in seconds with or w/o poles, storm proof, wind proof, water proof and camouflage - will show people how to construct until he creates package for sale - Made own stove, knives, hatchet, survival tools (fire start kit, [shovel, hatchet, can opener, knife in one]), 7-1/2 gram truing stand that fits in palm of hand, invented shop stands, and most of all tools bike shop he owned - Designed Blue Sky hitch for Burley and collects royalties - Won Mt Shasta hill climb while out on tour 1987 Has patent on fully suspended one wheel trailer that holds 500 lbs: o Turns into a boat o Turns into a cart that will also carry bike o Has spoilers that can act as brakes on fast downhills to slow it down and stabilizers in cross winds .. [1] 1100 miles, 49 days, 48 rolls of film. Slept at nite in 90 degree heat vs. 110 avg day. Constant Wind. No roads. Flat. Used GPS to navigate and also find water. Planned it for several years including location of springs, some of which he hit that were dry. Nothing cold to drink for whole trip. Saw no one for 43 days, no shower either. Rode 8 to 36 miles in a day. One of 4 to do it solo. Packed 68 lbs water, 48 lbs dried fruit. Shot snakes, birds and lizards for food. Planned trip for two years. </blockquote>
Link New City Spaces: documenting the invasion, abandoning, and reconquering of public space remote url Link 2004-05-29 2004-05-30
  I've been looking for books with visuals that best document the motivation of the carfree movement. From the "TCFCIII Conference":http://carfreeuniverse.org/Members/colin/TCFCIIIConferenceReport, or more directly, "Public Spaces - Public Life: Urban Design with the Pedestrian in Mind":http://carbusters.ecn.cz/conference/transcripts.php#gemzoe, I thought this book would be the best, if I could get my hands on it. The first chapter of "life between buildings":http://www.rudi.net/bookshelf/classics/lifebetweenbuildings/index.shtml is online! New city spaces details in particular the reclaiming of copenhagen from the automible over 20 years.

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