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Content with Subject of media: periodical

Location & TitleCreatorAddedModifiedCreated


United States, Virginia, Document E M Risse, superhero, on transitioning to carfree colin 2005-03-07 2005-03-08 2005-03-07
United States, California, San Diego, Document Journalism in San Diego and the miracle that things exist colin 2004-12-26 2005-05-17 2004-12-26
Document Association for Carfree Living, North America & Carfree Magazine colin 2004-10-16 2008-03-05 2004-10-16


China, Link Car hitting pedestrian starts riot in China; and more on the "car war" theme. remote url colin 2005-07-09 2005-07-09
Link New Perspectives Quarterly - the only world-class publication dedicated to the exchange of knowledge globally remote url colin 2005-06-05 2005-06-05
United States, Link The New America Foundation - venture capital for writing about policy ideas that transcend the conventional political spectrum remote url colin 2005-06-05 2005-06-05
Link ChangeThis - PDF Manifestos remote url colin 2004-12-21 2004-12-21
Link New Urban Living Magazine remote url colin 2004-10-30 2004-10-30
Link New Urban News Newsletter remote url colin 2004-10-09 2004-10-09
United States, California, San Diego, Link San Diego Earth Times remote url colin 2004-10-02 2004-10-30
United States, Washington, Seattle, Link Eat the state remote url colin 2004-05-05 2004-10-30
Link Hope Magazine remote url colin 2004-02-16 2004-10-30
Link Yes Magazine remote url colin 2004-02-16 2004-10-30
United States, California, Link Radical Urban Theory remote url colin 2004-02-13 2004-10-30
Link Ode Magazine remote url colin 2004-01-02 2004-10-30
United States, Link Orion Magazine remote url colin 2004-01-02 2004-10-30
Link World Transport Policy & Practice quarterly journal remote url colin 2003-12-15 2004-10-30
United States, Link The Next American City remote url colin 2003-12-08 2004-10-30
Link Carbusters! remote url colin 2003-06-13 2004-10-30
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