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Link California legislator, Fabian Nuñez, proposes taxing shoes to pay for roads! remote url Link 2005-05-10 2005-05-10
  Lori Saldaña writes the following in her May 6, 2005 editorial:<blockquote>Assembly Speaker Fabian Nuñez recently unveiled a comprehensive plan to jump-start California's much-needed transportation projects. The plan calls for a massive overhaul of the state's transportation infrastructure by cutting fuel costs by 11 cents a gallon and investing $60 billion in rebuilding highway and mass transit projects over the next 30 years. If adopted, sales tax would no longer be charged on gasoline, starting immediately. The general state sales tax would be increased by a quarter-cent dedicated to transportation. The immediate effect at the pump would be a $2 savings on $40 worth of gas, while the tax on a $40 pair of shoes would only increase 10 cents.</blockquote> Here's the man himself: from "Shift tax burden off gas to fund transportation By Fabian Nu&ntilde;ez":http://www.dailynews.com/Stories/0,1413,200%257E24781%257E2809815,00.html : <blockquote>Our proposal immediately cuts the price of gas at the pump by 11 cents a gallon. At the same time, it provides $10 billion to jump-start essential transportation projects in every part of the state. Over 30 years, our plan would invest a total of nearly $60 billion in our state's transportation infrastructure. It replaces our existing sales tax on gasoline with an equal sales tax on other taxable items (which will grow faster than the existing sales tax). That's key - to broaden our tax base for transportation, while giving much needed tax relief when it comes to purchasing fuel.</blockquote>
Link buy extras, computer parts remote url Link 2005-05-10 2005-05-10
  Much cheaper than local stores. And decent service. (I told them something didn't work, they refunded it without me having to send it back).
Link get text books, get any books remote url Link 2005-05-10 2005-05-10
  This site saves me many $$. Order two weeks ahead.
Link San Diego County Bicycle Coalition remote url Link 2005-05-10 2005-05-10
  SDCBC is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization dedicated to making bicycling better in San Diego. We do that through educational programs, promoting awareness of bicyclists and bicycling issues, reviewing infrastructure improvements, and acting as a voice for bicyclists to elected officials and decisionmakers throughout the San Diego region. What SDCBC Stands For Here is the text of the SDCBC policy we mentioned at the March(1993) Board meeting. It's a statement of what the organization stands for re: bicycling. I recommend that Board members read it to understand what the organization has agreed is appropriate/desireable for bicycling... discussion about improvement - additions/deletions/changes - are encouraged. GENERAL POLICY ADOPTED 3/93 THE COALITION: 'A.' Advocates and supports lawful and responsible cycling. Opposes unlawful and irresponsible cycling. 'B.' Encourages people to bicycle on the road with the rights and duties of drivers of vehicles. 'C.' Encourages bicyclists on paths and open trails to act responsibly. Supports increased opportunities for socially and environmentally responsible mountain biking. (revised December 2001) 'D.' Supports the enforcement of all appropriate traffic, path and trail laws. Recommends the statewide uniformity of laws for cyclists. 'E.' Supports and encourages all bicyclists to become more knowledgeable and effective at bicycling. 'F.' Encourages the training of cyclists in lawful, competent cycling such as the Safe Moves and Effective Cycling courses. 'G.' Promotes increasing the skill of all people who share facilities with bicyclists. '1.' The actions of motorists with regard to cyclists should be the subject of a suitable portion of the questions in the pool from which the driver's license questions are drawn. Information on sharing the road with cyclists should be a periodic inclusion in the DMV registration mailings. '2.' Encourages that instructional materials for motorists, such as used in driver's education classes include: 'a.' statements that cyclists have the right to use the roadways and the duty of obeying the rules of the road for drivers of vehicles; 'b.' instruction in proper behavior for cyclists and motorists with respect to each other; and 'H.' Encourages increasing the safety of bicyclists by: '1.' development and distribution of traffic and other safety information; '2.' providing workshops, classes, and speakers; '3.' advising governmental agencies regarding appropriate bicycle facility design and maintenance, regulations and enforcement; '4.' lobbying for appropriate legislation to enhance and encourage safe bicycle use. 'I.' Recommends that outside through lanes be wide. On roads with curbs where significant bicycle traffic is expected and where motor-vehicle traffic volume per lane is also significant, the outside through lane should have a width of 14 feet or more. On roads without curbs where significant bicycle traffic is expected and where motor-vehicle traffic is also significant, either the outside through lane would be wide or the shoulder should be in fit condition for cycling. 'J.' Recommends that demand-type traffic signals should be equipped with bicycle-sensitive detectors at all lawful locations where a cyclist might ride. Push-buttons are not satisfactory for bicyclists because they are often in wrong or inconvenient locations for the cyclist. 'K.' Requests that traffic signals provide adequate clearance time; an all-red phase of adequate length in conjunction with normal green light length for bicyclists starting from a stop (new green light) to clear the intersection. 'L.' Encourages the provision of secure bicycle parking where needed. 'M.' Encourages employers who provide motor-vehicle parking for employees to provide: '1.' theft-resistant, weather-protected parking for bicycles of those employees who bicycle to work. '2.' places in which employees may keep business attire, wash up, and change clothes. '3.' subsidy to bicyclists and bicycle facilities equal or greater than the cost of providing and maintaining motor-vehicle parking. 'N.' Recommends safe bicycling facilities: '1.' Smooth roadway surfaces. '2.' Facilities for secure parking of bicycles at all locations where motor-vehicle parking is provided. '3.' Wheel-proof roadway drain grates. '4.' Right turn only lanes. Right turn only lanes are generally good for cyclist because they allow space and distance for right turning motorists and straight-through bicyclists to coordinate their merging actions before the turning point. '5.' Left turn only lanes. Left turn only lanes are generally good for cyclists in several ways. They provide a safe place for the cyclist to wait for oncoming traffic to clear. By providing a safe place for a motorist to wait while oncoming traffic clears, they discourage hurried left turns by motorists. This is the most frequent cause of car-bike collisions that are caused by motorist error. Left turn only lanes in conjunction with traffic signals that provide a protected left turn only phase protect both cyclists and motorists from conflicting movements. It is better to provide left turn only lanes of standard width to eliminate the delays caused by cyclists who are ahead of motorists, but it is better to have a narrow left turn only lane than none at all. '6.' Regarding Bikeways (Paths and Lanes): 'a.' advocates using standards for design and development that protect the rights of lawful cyclists and that discourages cycling that does not conform to the normal rules of the road. 'b.' recommends routes that shorten trip times without increasing hazards, and recreational bicycle paths that provide a protected environment for such activities. '7.' Supports bottle redemption laws. The adverse effect upon bicyclists of broken glass along roadways and other bicycle facilities is reduced by increased collection/recycling of these containers. '8.' Is opposed to: Mandatory bike-lane laws. Mandatory side-of-road-laws. Mandatory side-path laws. Prohibitions to access to normal highway destinations.
Link San Diego Transit Rider's Union remote url Link 2005-05-10 2005-05-10
  San Diego Transit Riders United is an organization of transit riders and supporters formed to provide a voice for transit in San Diego County. We invite transit riders, those who would take transit if they could and organizations that serve constituencies in need of improved transit to join with us. Transit Riders United is a project of Move San Diego, Inc., a nonprofit organization formed to unite the efforts of Walk San Diego, the San Diego County Bicycle Coalition, the Sierra Club San Diego Chapter, and San Diego EarthWorks, the organizers of the EarthFair in Balboa Park. Please contact us so we can work together! Mission Statement San Diego Transit Riders United is a community of transit riders and supporters dedicated to improving and expanding transit services in San Diego County. We include bus, trolley and train riders as well as those underserved by our current transit system. We seek to engage and represent a diverse community including seniors, the disabled, the economically disadvantaged, urban and suburban commuters, students and San Diego's many ethnic communities. We are united by a desire for a first-class regional transit system. We are committed to empowering transit riders and transit supporters and using grassroots pressure to ensure that elected officials and government agencies improve and implement cost-effective, frequent, and reliable transit in San Diego County.
Link The college area business improvement district remote url Link 2005-05-10 2005-05-10
  Very good to know about. Their web page says they have a farmers' market right next to where I live, Tuesdays 4p - 7p. I don't quite believe it. But I will check and be happy if it is there!
Link Solar Ovens remote url Link 2005-05-10 2005-05-10
  They are not cheap, but I can see the usefulness of them. I wonder if dow funds them because the ovens are made out of Dow composites?
Link Earth Wise Singles remote url Link 2005-05-10 2005-05-10
  Hmm... Well, "craigslist":http://www.craigslist.org/ is still free and more local than this. We need them to allow us to search for carfree mates, I think.
Link Ocean Beach Grassroots Organization remote url Link 2005-05-10 2005-05-10
  This looks very active, and the Green Store (Coleen) has been a ray of greeness amidst the grey asphalt and grey air and grey minds of so much of San Diego. I visit the green store when I go to visit my point loma grandparents.
Link San Diego Permaculture remote url Link 2005-05-10 2005-05-10
  Well an organization existed here in 2002, at any rate!
Link Active Living Network remote url Link 2005-05-10 2006-01-30
  I found out about this from the "GreenCity Visions":../greencityvisions/ conference and got very excited because Marla Hollander, the director, is affiliated with SDSU. This may not end up mattering much to me though, but it does help make me feel that San Diego is less of a backwater for this kind of thinking! This link should be in the "United States" level, but I want something good to show up in San Diego. What is Active Living? It is a way of life that integrates physical activity into daily routines. The goal is to accumulate at least 30 minutes of activity each day. Individuals may do this in a variety of ways, such as walking or bicycling for transportation, exercise or pleasure; playing in the park; working in the yard; taking the stairs; and using recreational facilities What is an Active Living Community? An Active Living Community is designed with a pedestrian focus and provides opportunities for people of all ages and abilities to engage in routine daily physical activity. Government leadership in such a community embraces diverse policies and programs that support active living, such as: * Bicycle- and pedestrian-oriented design * Mixed-use development * Ample recreational facilities * Locating schools in walkable neighborhoods * Funding and promoting active living programs Why is Active Living an Important Issue? Active living communities encourage individuals to be more physically active, thus improving health by lowering citizens' risk for health conditions such as diabetes and heart disease. American communities are facing a chronic disease epidemic. Sixty percent of U.S. adults do not achieve the 30-minute daily physical activity recommendation, and 30 percent are completely sedentary. Health care costs associated with obesity alone were estimated at $117 billion in 2000. Active Living communities enhance citizen quality of life, attract business and knowledge workers, and contribute to economic development.
Link San Diego Cohousing remote url Link 2005-05-10 2005-05-10
  Maybe someday, I'd be involved with something like this.
Link Rose Creek Watershed Alliance remote url Link 2005-05-10 2006-04-27
  This seems important. Here's more: "http://www.saverosecreek.org/":http://www.saverosecreek.org/.
Link Shakti Rising: recovery and empowerment for young women remote url Link 2005-05-10 2005-05-10
  Across the way, a ways away, was the booth for this organization, and that psychedelic butterfly was blown up large as the backdrop. But it was the woman staffing the booth, and my busyness, that drew me and kept me away. I knew her from somewhere... and she is "muy mujer" (very woman)--a sort of Lara Croft or maybe even a Jessica... no, but definitely like one of the Spanish TA's here--everything you would want "woman" to become--beautiful, vivacious, and powerful. And you can't touch her. I can't anyway. She's not Feral. Muy mujers are masters of the feminine game... they are *not* androgenous. (?) Not that feral is. I think I first saw her at a Kundalini yoga pot-luck party in December 2004 given in Point Loma next to or near to the house my grandparents used to live in. I saw her again as Steven and I were walking back to his place after following a secret pedestrian route through balboa park. Past the Boy Scout Camp, across the evil highway 163. She was on a street corner of a quiet dead-end street, talking to a friend, next to a car. Had I known I was going to ponder her so much, I would have said something. I had not visited "ShaktiRising.org" at the time. It seems like it could be a cult around the one who calls herself Shakti... wait a second... oh, how I misread. "Shannon Thompson":http://www.flowersociety.org/Shakti_Rising.htm does not call herself Shakti. Shakti is:<blockquote>Our life force, a creative, moving feminine energy that lives in all of us; <br>Rising: Flowing upward, to ascend, to set in motion.</blockquote> Well, after searching the site to find out what the organization does, and for pictures of the woman I saw, I am left with a feeling of, *how wonderful*. Half my readers would agree that I could benefit from such a thing for men... There is "the mankind project":../mkp/, and Lo! there is a "San Diego Center":http://www.mkpsd.org/. It appears that training costs $650--for a weekend--, here's what it does":":http://www.mkpsd.org/nwta.php <blockquote>The New Warrior Training Adventure is a process of initiation and self-examination that is crucial to the development of a healthy and mature male self. It is the "hero's journey" of classical literature and myth - the process of moving away from the comforting embrace of the mother's feminine energy and safely into the masculine kingdom. It is a journey of the soul during which men confront their dependence on women, their mistrust of other men and their need to be special.</blockquote> Well, what I read at Shakti Rising sounds better":":http://www.shaktirising.org/pages/welcome.htm <blockquote>We know that the most powerful actions we take are the daily choices we make about our bodies, our health, our well being, that of our families and ultimately, our environment.</blockquote> Here's a better page for "Shannon":http://www.shaktirising.org/pages/director.htm. She may be an SDSU student "She is currently enrolled in a joint Master’s Degree Program for "Social Work and Public Health":http://publichealth.sdsu.edu/mswmphmain.php." I'm very impressed. I don't know what to say. There don't seem to be any pictures of the one I saw. It seems like it would be wonderful to be in the environment of that house. With such an emphasis on health. Just last weekend I felt very tired and did not want to move, and weak... I have some ideas about what to do better... but often or sometimes, I feel like I'm just hanging on. "social change vs. personal healing" At the same time, I'm having opportunities, and I think, *if I can last*, then in 3-4 years I can focus on the holistic natural dream, and stop sleeping on a deteriorating synthetic carpet. Ah. I don't know.
Link LocalHarvest: good produce delivered to near you remote url Link 2005-05-10 2005-05-10
  One of my grandmas liked the display of the "Pauma Valley Farm":http://www.tierramiguel.org/ (the tierra miguel foundation). It turns out they have a dropoff point very close to where I live--SDSU Art St. Tuesdays, 11:30am- 7:30 pm. It costs only o $349/Quarterly o $1365/Annually o $119/Monthly o $125/2 Months-biweekly o $125/Trial -1 Month only So I may not be leaving my pesticide grown ethnic produce store where I rarely spend more than $15/week for a lot of different reasonably good things... In any event-- to find such deliveries near you go to the local harvest site. I didn't think there would be one near me! I should also start a garden too, but I don't. I do harvest wild plants though!
Link Stop the Regents Road bridge. Duh. remote url Link 2005-05-09 2005-05-09
  Unfortunately, it is still about 10 years before "I predicted":../nochange/ the last road widening in the county would be approved. So people still have to fight increases in space for the car. Help them.
Link Earth Scouts and Scouting For All remote url Link 2005-05-09 2005-05-11
  I was excited to learn about the "Earth Scouts":http://www.earthscouts.org/ a long time ago. "Scouting for all" had a booth at the SD Earth Fair... there was a very interesting woman (Not really sure she was born as a woman) dressed in full scout regalia. I think she was 6 feet tall. FYI BSA has stances against atheism and homosexuality. I think the atheism part is important---but not as important as openness to homosexuality/gender variants. "On my honor I will do my best to God and my country... and to keep myself physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight." "a scout is trustworthy ... brave, clean, and reverent" The basic crime I see committed with respect to religion is the lack of awareness and acceptance of more than one path--The BSA currently accepts and embraces multiple religious paths... and at that point you begin to see "God" is what you think it is.... The crime is when the child is raised among those who believe there is only one way, i.e., "I am the way, the truth, and the light"... and when that same child sees that all those around her profess to believe what doesn't make sense, and that moreover, all those around her hardly exemplify the kind of life she would dream of living... That sets the child up for a crisis of isolation/peer pressure to deny her own evaluative capability in favor of what others tell her to think, feel, and believe. Now homosexuals may get the same crisis... only far more so: imagine growing up with an identity that is not even recognized to exist. See Cristina Peri Rossi's "El Culpable":<blockquote>"Ha cometido una falta, pero no sabe cu&aacute;l es." --- He committed an offense, but does not know what it is."</blockquote> and Luis Cernuda's "No Decía Palabras":<blockquote>"Porque ignoraba que el deseo es una pregunta / Cuya respuesta no existe," --- He/I was not saying words: ... because he/I was ignoring that desire is a question whose answer does not exist.</blockquote> Because homosexuals may weather this crisis, and develop faith in listening to and not rejecting their own evaluative capability, they may tend to become vital and creative people. Now supposing we had a society of full religious/gender/sexual tolerance... would this crisis opportunity and the character formation it may cause be lost? Some Jewish people seem to maintain it by emphasizing and marking their difference throughout their lives. I think there will still be plenty of other crisis opportunities for those who begin to question and to dream independently of what they have been fed as children. But the fewer barriers we place in the way of dreaming, questioning, and listening, the more wonderful and amazing our world will become. What do the earth scouts get to pledge? Maybe they don't? Here's something: '12.' Uphold the right of all, without discrimination, to a natural and social environment supportive of human dignity, bodily health, and spiritual well-being, with special attention to the rights of indigenous peoples and minorities. '4.' Secure Earth's bounty and beauty for present and future generations. '2.' Care for the community of life with understanding, compassion, and love. '1.' Respect Earth and life in all its diversity. '1b.' Affirm faith in the inherent dignity of all human beings and in the intellectual, artistic, ethical, and spiritual potential of humanity. I don't think the BSA can be reformed. I think it has to slowly fade away. If I had children, I would want there to be a co-ed group, and with values more like the Earth Scouts. That said, I think the BSA will continue to change to more closely support earth charter-like values.
Link Labyrinths remote url Link 2005-04-27 2005-04-27
  Thanks to Bonnie Brewster Munroe at the "2005 SDSU Graduate Student Board Conference":http://www-rohan.sdsu.edu/~gsb/confprog.htm (third from bottom), I got to walk a labyrinth, a canvas 7-circuit labyrinth that she had rolled out on the floor of a large conference room. I walked it with 12 other people. It was like a dance that we danced just by following the lines. I was very impressed. I want to tell you all to find a labyrinth to walk if you can. The circuits took me almost all the way around the circle and at each turn I felt a new vista open. I hope to get the people at the "Kroc Center":http://www.kroccenter.com/ to have a labyrinth there. o google on "labyrinth":http://www.google.com/search?q=labyrinth o "the labyrinth society":http://www.labyrinthsociety.org/ The "grace cathedral page":http://www.gracecathedral.org/labyrinth/ has a picture right on it-- so I made it the link for this link.
Link Neoconservatism, Straussianism, and "can freedom and excellence can coexist?" remote url Link 2005-04-18 2005-12-01
  Update (2005-12-01-1113): Joel's site has disappeared. It was "here":http://www.neo-conned.net/ The most relevant thing I remember from his page was about the Philosophy of "Leo Strauss":http://www.google.com/search?q=leo+strauss. So I link to the "wikipedia page on Strauss":http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leo_Strauss above. Below are the most relevant quotes from that page, followed by an excerpt from Joel's old page. Also, here's "Wikipedia on US neocons":http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neoconservatism_in_the_United_States. Oh, the quotes at the bottom of the "Georgia Guidestones page":../georgiaguidestones/ were brought to mind by this, and also "San Manuel Bueno, Martir":http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/8437601851/103-9089075-5887820?v=glance&n=283155 by Unamuno {"San Manuel Bueno, martir":http://www.google.com/search?q=San+Manuel+Bueno+Martir+by+Unamuno (Saint Manuel the Good, Martyr) (1930)--a brief novella that synthesizes all of "Unamuno":http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unamuno's thought. The novel centres on a heroic priest who has lost his faith in immortality, yet says nothing of his doubts to his parishioners, not wanting to disturb their faith.} Returning to Strauss:<blockquote>With regards then to Strauss' approach to philosophical texts, his most famous teaching was the distinction between *esoteric* and *exoteric* readings. Strauss maintained that philosophers very often concealed their true thoughts beneath a surface (or exoteric) teaching. Careful study would reveal the true or esoteric teaching. Primarily, philosophers did this to protect their own lives, and to guard against the detrimental effects of philosophy upon people who cannot understand it fully. Strauss thought that an esoteric text was the proper type for philosophic learning. Rather than simply outline the philosophers thoughts, the esoteric text forces the reader to do their own thinking and learning. Strauss noted that thinkers of the first rank, going back to Plato, had raised the problem of whether good and effective politicians could be completely truthful and still achieve the necessary ends of their society. By implication, Strauss asks his readers to consider whether "noble lies" (Plato) have any role at all to play in uniting and guiding the cities of man. Are certain, unprovable "myths" taught by wise leaders needed to give most people meaning and purpose and to ensure a stable society? Or can society flourish on a foundation of those "deadly truths" (Nietzsche) limited to what we can know absolutely? Through his writings, Strauss constantly raised the question of how, and to what extent, freedom and excellence can coexist. Without deciding this issue, Strauss refused to make do with any simplistic or one-sided resolutions of the Socratic question, What is the good for the city and man? There exists a controversy surrounding Strauss's interpretation of the existing philosophical canon. Strauss believed that the writings of many philosophers contained both an exoteric (public) and esoteric (private or hidden) teaching. For instance, in Natural Right and History he contrasts the views of Locke both from a traditional perspective wherein the idea of Natural Law within a Christian theological ground is presumed, and another more radical view contrary to this usual interpretation. To support his contention he mentions Lessing's commentary on Leibniz, and Schleiermacher's Platonic studies. But, according to Strauss, generally this kind of exoteric/esoteric dichotomy became unused by the time of Kant. Strauss had similar views on the writings of the Jewish philosopher Maimonides (Moses son of Maimon). Maimonides stated that he had controversial esoteric views which were hidden from the masses. Strauss wrote an influential essay illustrating the way to read Maimonides' Guide for the Perplexed, allowing a reader to find his esoteric, true views. Straussianism is difficult to characterize, as it is a loose group of scholars who analyze texts in the same manner and keep the same questions in mind while doing so. Strauss is widely recognized for his rediscovery of a political manner of writing employed by philosophers. The most focused upon aspect of this, especially for non-Straussians, is that philosophers lied and wrote coded messages in order to protect themselves from attack by the political communities they lived in. Perhaps a more Straussian interpretation of Strauss' politicization of philosophy would be that Strauss rediscovered ancient political philosophy, which starts with the question of how people should live, and therefore has a sort of logical priority within philosophy itself (which is a way of living). What's more, to the extent that philosophers wrote deceptively, it was perhaps more often in order to help educate readers, who might often be young or unable to follow an argument correctly. The original philosophers could adjust their speech to each listener, but writing made philosophy dangerous. Socrates wrote nothing of his own philosophy, but was famously implicated with corrupting the young men of Athens, especially Alcibiades.</blockquote> My excerpts from Joel's old neocon page: <blockquote>A shadowy group calling itself "neo-conservative" has seized power in the USA. You need to know who these people are, what they think, and what it means for the USA and the world. The neo-cons have stolen the American democracy. This was no accident. They think that only they and a few of their very closest friends are fit to run the world. Others may serve. The masses will be fed the pabulum of religion and television to keep them quiet. These folks are agnostics. They're also major supporters of standardized, organized religion, because they think that religion is a useful tool to keep the masses from misbehaving. Lying is part of their philosophy of government. Truth is to be told only when it is the most convenient option. We will simply show these folks up for what they are. That should be all that's required to ensure their downfall.</blockquote>
Link New Urbanist community in Baja with extensive carfree areas: Loreto Bay remote url Link 2005-04-18 2005-04-18
  This was mentioned on the carfree cities list, and I keep remembering it, so here's the link. The more I read, the more fascinating it is. At first I brushed it off a sort of rich norteamericano wasteland. From some pictures I saw of the houses, maybe I still think that. But here are some sustainability commitments: 1. By the end of the project we will produce more energy from renewable resources than we consume. 2. By the end of the project we will harvest or produce more potable water than we use. 3. By the end of the project there will be more biodiversity, more biomass and more habitat than existed when we started. 4. We will dedicate 1% of the gross proceeds of all sales and re-sales, in perpetuity, to a Community Foundation to assist with local social and sustainability issues. 5. In conjunction with Loreto citizens and all layers of government, we will develop and implement a Regional Affordable Housing Strategy based on the premise that people who work at Loreto Bay should be able to afford to live in Loreto. This is from their "December 2004 Sustainability Program Update":http://www.loretobay.com/media/Sustanability%20Program%20Update.%20Dec%2004.pdf. The more I read the site, the more intrigued I am.
Link Carfree Bedford remote url Link 2005-04-18 2005-04-18
  This is a proposal to create a carfree area around the Bedford L train stop in Williamsburg, Brooklyn.
Link Alastair Bland, economad? neo-primitive? buddha? remote url Link 2005-04-05 2005-05-11
  First I found out about him in the recent issue of Orion Magazine (I do not like the mag). I misspelled his name and could not find out about him online. Then David C. (carfreecity.us) sent me a link to another of his articles. I didn't like his style very much, or the focus on wine, but that doesn't mean you won't like it. And a google search on him is bringing up so much it will be a while before I have time to read through it all and develop a better-founded impression. But, in short, he appears to have ridden his bicycle around California's central valley for at least a summer simply living off what food he could find... and this was not food from dumpsters but from trees and plants.
Link Carfree.com on "fixing the car" remote url Link 2005-03-21 2005-03-21
  I wanted to have this under "the car cannot be fixed" topic.<blockquote>Some form of external combustion (or non-fuel-based motive power) could eliminate urban automobile emissions entirely. Some day, sustained nuclear fusion may be achieved, at which time energy and air pollution concerns should pretty much disappear. ... Technology might solve the congestion, pollution, esthetic, and safety issues related to automobile use in cities. This does not mean that the car is the best solution, and it is almost certainly the most expensive and resource intensive.</blockquote>
Link Peg and Jim, carfree in the mountains! remote url Link 2005-03-08 2005-03-08
  Beautiful. From the post on "why they became carfree":http://earthhomegarden.blogspot.com/2005/02/peg-jim-car-free.html :<blockquote>The main reason we have arrived at this particular point has more to do with what we couldn't, or wouldn't do, than what we planned on doing. I just couldn't work in certain industries because of their contributions to war efforts, or the toxic polluting side-effects of their products. I also couldn't stand working indoors, and took a job as a mailman, just to save a few bucks so I could travel. ... We had already been walking or riding our bikes to work for several years when we began to realize that decisions we'd made over the years, through avoidance of things we didn't care for, had brought us to this small community where everything we needed was within walking or bicycling distance, including our jobs. ... By the mid 1990s over 3 million Americans had died as a result of automobile accidents. And that doesn't take into account the scarred lives & bodies, the crippled victims, or the incredible toll on wildlife that has been killed by cars and displaced by habitat destruction, or an entire century of air & water pollution and strip mining. ... I asked her with a knowing smile if she wanted to get another car, "when hell freezes over" she smiled back. For us it has meant newfound freedom. Freedom from the expense of gasoline, maintenance, tires, oil and insurance. Freedom from fear, freeways & parking lots, and freedom from being confined in a hurtling tin & plastic capsule. ... But it mostly seems like we're just going on intuition, we avoid what we don't like and try to focus on what we love. ... Eventually, we'd like to live each moment with deliberate clarity, and share what wisdom we may have gained as elders.</blockquote> They introduced themselves on the carfree yahoo group.
Link The citistates group remote url Link 2005-03-08 2005-10-23
  A link discovered from the last planetizen newsletter mentioning "the european dream":../europeandream/. Their purpose:<blockquote>To have fun, make money, and advance the revolution.</blockquote>Fortunately, their revolution appears to be our revolution. "Richard Louv":http://www.thefuturesedge.com/, one of their writers, mentioned and explained *bioregionalism* in a San Diego Union Tribune column!

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