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Found 131 items.

Title Type Added Modified Created
Document Colin's travel log starting 2003-11-05 Document 2003-11-09 2007-10-05 2003-11-09
  Details and economy of a nomadic life. Mexico to San Diego by bicycle, bus, and ??
Document Colin's quarterly update #2: Return to civilization? Document 2003-12-09 2008-03-05 2003-12-09
  This is a web version of the post to FriendsOfColin list. I encourage everyone to share what they've learned three or so times a year, and this is my attempt to do that. If you start doing this, please put me on your list!
Document YoMonastic: thoughts about a Yoism-inspired monastic order Document 2003-12-10 2008-03-05 2003-12-10
  A duplicate of: http://twiki.yoism.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/YoMonastic
Document The Grand Cathedral-Building Project Document 2004-01-03 2008-03-05 2004-01-03
  The grand project we've all been looking for is to make the question, "Where are we going as a people and what is your part in it?" answerable by yourself. Some thoughts along that line follow. I know what I'm here to do: to listen to the silence, and to listen to others who listen to the silence.
Document You cocooned in moving matter Document 2004-01-19 2004-02-16 2004-01-19
  An incantation for those travelling the lands where the most significant human structures are strips of pavement (or aeroplanes, or trains...). The inspiration for this occurred when crossing (on foot) the College Avenue overpass across Interstate 8. I was a sole pedestrian above ten lanes of highway traffic (I recounted the lanes: approx. 17, two of which belong to a less busy road parallel to the interstate) walking along a bridge about six lanes wide. On the lane closest to the sidewalk, traffic entering the highway is slow or stationary, and I can gaze at the occupants through their windshields.
Document Glints lead to vision Document 2004-01-30 2004-10-10 2004-01-30
  Written after looking over the Norton Anthology of Poetry, and getting a general impression of how what people have written poetry about and how they've written about it has changed over time. It also incorporates a thought summing my experience in the summer of 2003, but which also applies to more than that.
Document untitled 000001 Document 2004-01-30 2004-02-16 2004-01-30
  A voice/vision I heard/imagined. The shards of glass are reminiscent of Richard Wilbur's poem "Junk".
Document Blue Chill Document 2004-02-06 2004-02-06 2004-02-06
  How landscape affects behavior. If I could make it interesting for us both I would/will continue the trip along the running route. I open the iron grated door step onto cement walk. Survey dawn over Seminole Dr. Not drawn to walk, I return inside, knowing, I'd be walking were I in ________. Dented glass -> ocean. Blue chill plain -> dawn sky.
Document Freighter Travel Document 2004-02-16 2008-03-05 2004-02-16
  Travel the world by ship, not by plane, and not by cruise ship. I had heard of this, and searched for information on line, but until seeing an article by Alison DeRosa in the Travel section of the 2004-02-15 San Diego Union Tribune, I remained in the dark. Here's some links to get us started.
Document First (?) International Carfree Poetry Exhibition Document 2004-02-18 2008-03-05 2004-02-18
  So far we have Russia, the United Kingdom, and (elsewhere on the site) the United States represented. Be the first to submit a visionary mythopoetic work from your country in your language! This web site seems to handle languages fine. Authors retain their own copyrights.
Document Recording voice or music for this site Document 2004-02-21 2008-03-05 2004-02-21
  Suggestions on making recordings for this site.
Document Vision Research Project: overview and methodology Document 2004-02-25 2007-10-05 2004-02-25
  The abstract concept of vision (defined here as a projection of one's current self into an imagined future) is presented, and reasons why the concept is of interest are discussed. A research program for improving (1) our understanding of visions and (2) our ability to express and share visions is outlined.
Document Vision Research Project document index Document 2004-02-28 2005-03-28 2004-02-28
  The following documents are part of the ongoing Vision Research Project (VRP).
Document Ten steps to a new vision Document 2004-03-03 2005-03-28 2004-03-03
  Feeling visionless? Not sure where you're going or why? Totally lost? Good news! You're about to start forming a vision... just as soon as you finish reading this.
Document Four men in a room Document 2004-03-05 2005-03-28 2004-03-05
  Four guys plot how to save the world.
Document Analysis: Four men in a room Document 2004-03-07 2007-10-05 2004-03-07
  The vision expressed in the script *Four men in a room* is explored. Some basic questions about the expressive form and content of the play are addressed.
Document Ken Wilber: what he means to Colin Document 2004-03-07 2008-03-05 2004-03-07
  I mention Ken Wilber so much, I thought I should have a page explaining a bit about what I mean by Ken Wilber.
Document Analysis: Ten steps to a new vision Document 2004-03-08 2005-04-02 2004-03-08
  *Ten steps to a new vision* expresses a vision of a mass dialog that addresses "Where are we going as a people, and what is my part in it?" *Ten steps* is targeted at a more general audience than is *Four men in a room*. At the same time, *Ten steps* retains language and themes specific to the author's outlook, and is a sort of self- and subculture-satire.
Document Ira Progoff: what he means to me Document 2004-03-08 2008-03-05 2004-03-08
  I mention Progoff so much, I thought I should have a page explaining a bit about what I mean by Progoff.
Document Political activism as an aspect of practice Document 2004-03-26 2008-03-05 2004-03-26
  Save the world by doing nothing? Or maybe by being focused on a few important things and resisting distractions? Or..
Document Heather Lev - Carfree music Document 2004-04-16 2008-03-05 2004-04-16
  Lyrics and links to Heather Lev's carfree songs. Reprinted by permission (Carbusters Magazine #19 March-May 2004).
Document Lord, Mr. Ford, what have you done? Document 2004-04-18 2008-03-05 2004-04-18
  I love it. Written by Dick Feller, the easiest recording to find online is by Jerry Reed. Yet there are translations of the song in several languages... be the first to tell me about a translation and recording (a link or means of finding the file) that I don't know about.
Document The critical mass rap Document 2004-04-18 2004-04-18 2004-04-18
  The critical mass rap. Courtesy of massbike and Stephen LaMarca.
Document The reality Document 2004-05-20 2008-03-05 2004-05-20
  A better formatted version of http://hopedance.org/archive/40/articles/20.html. My comments are at http://purl.oclc.org/net/cfu/Members/colin/theRealityCar
Document Carless and Carfree Document 2004-05-21 2004-05-21 2004-05-21
  Marylaine Block's "Carless and Carfree" column from September 1996. I copied it here to format it a bit better. She didn't want the whole thing here, because she wanted people to visit her site... but the format on her site is hard to read... just so you know I'm being arrogant and disrespectful (and figuring nothing really bad will happen...). The original is at: http://marylaine.com/myword/cars.html

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