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Title Type Added Modified Created
Link A page I made for english 522 taught by M. Borgstrom (Redrawing the Boundaries: Literature of the U.S., 1800-1860) remote url Link 2006-02-03 2006-02-03
  I was testing out some ideas for teaching on myself and made a page in case anyone else wanted to participate:<blockquote>This is for Michael Borgstrom's engl522 class, Fall 2005 at SDSU. There are three activities: blogging about class and readings, writing a thesis statement or question about the readings, and voting on which statement or question interests you the most.</blockquote>
Link The Quarry Village - Carfree Living in the Hills of Hayward California remote url Link 2006-03-13 2006-03-29
  A development of 1000 homes designed for carfree living has been proposed for a 30-acre site in Hayward, CA. Quarry Village is one of the most pure carfree projects yet to be proposed in the Western US. There will only be 70 parking spaces for the 1000 homes. The village is centered around a 2.1 mile bus transit link that connects the village to the Hayward BART (a six minute ride) and California State University, Hayward. The project is currently attempting to demonstrate enough of a market to arrange the purchase of the site land from CalTrans when it becomes available in 2008 or 2009. At the time of writing, the site has some bad links. Go to the "document library":http://www.quarryvillage.org/documents/ to find the detailed proposal. Additional links: o "Hayward Man Envisions A Car-Free Village":http://www.cicle.org/cicle_content/pivot/entry.php?id=40. Here is the original source (the archive is not working as I write this): "East Bay man driven to create car-free village":http://tinyurl.com/mjvgs o "Sherman Lewis's bio at CSUEB":http://class.csueastbay.edu/politicalscience/Sherman_Lewis.php o Google on "Hayward Area Planning Association Sherman Lewis":http://www.google.com/search?q=Hayward+Area+Planning+Association+Sherman+Lewis
Link San Diego State (SDSU) Environmental Activism / clube3, enviro business society, green campus, & SEAC: student environmental action coalition remote url Link 2006-04-08 2006-04-08
  (Links to student environmental organizations an SDSU) When I first arrived in January 2003 there was SEAC. They organized an earthday event in Spring 2003. The students behind that org left. Next on the scene was Benjamin Crawford, a dynamic, charismatic guy, with the SDSU Environmental Business Society. He also did work with the campus electric car competition team. Now, Spring 2006, this is Ben's last semester, and he's trying to make sure the society continues, in the form of "clube3":http://clube3.org/. Today, I just met Bryce Winter with SDSU Green Campus. He is currently carfree. As far as I know they don't have a website yet. He is a paid intern and their funding comes from the "Association to Save Energy":http://ase.org. For some other CSU/SDSU enviro links, visit "the sdsu area carfree club":../carfreeclub/. In additon, "SD Ishmael":../sdishmael/ sometimes has been having its meetings on campus. I met Bryce at a booth at a "Explore SDSU" fair they are having today. He was with the guys from the campus physical plant, who inform me how much they are doing so that the campus will be more efficient. (There are many solar panels on campus roofs, for example). I got to talk with them about the pollution caused by the gas-powered golf carts. . . Campus President Stephen Weber was walking by, and I gave him one of the "carfree business cards":../businesscards002.pdf/view, and we talked about the "letter to the editor":../ed01weber/ I wrote, and related things.
Link Carfree Days Discussed in National Geographic! remote url Link 2006-04-08 2006-04-08
  This is one of the best things I've seen. Don't miss "page 2":http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2006/03/0329_060329_cars_2.html, which has a link to the "photo gallery by Sarah Leen":http://magma.nationalgeographic.com/ngm/0406/feature5/zoom1.html. The photo titled <i>Bumper to Bumper</i> is unforgettable. Remember the "B-52 graveyard":http://www.alexmaclean.com/exhibitions/airlines/LS5388-35.html? (Alex Maclean also has "Parking at Memorial Stadium During Orioles Game":http://www.alexmaclean.com/exhibitions/airlines/LS4322-27.html.) Nation Geographic also has a "photo from the World Naked Ride":http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2005/06/0617_050617_nakedbikers.html! It is provoking--usually the only naked people portrayed are in a jungle or a desert tribe. . . ?
Link Pedestrian Culture remote url Link 2006-04-08 2006-04-09
  <Blockquote>For place-based research and creative projects on the humble and revolutionary act of walking. For artists, writers, composers, psychogeographers, historians, architects, general walkers, and anyone interested in issues of place. . . . We also encourage contributions of place-based raw data.</blockquote> His "links":http://www.csulb.edu/~gbach/links.html. His "Atlas List of Sounds (sounds logged on my morning walk January-June 2003)":http://www.csulb.edu/~gbach/atlassource.html. It begins like this:<blockquote>car accelerating car accelerating, distant car accelerating, with knocking, pinging car accelerating, with stuttering, misfiring car accelerating in short bursts car accelerating, very loud</blockquote>And ends:<blockquote>shoe rolls over pebble misstep on cracked or uneven sidewalk, or simply clumsy aware of my own footsteps, stomps, or shuffles aware of my own squeaky footsteps due to wet shoes other undefined self-noise, shuffle, clothes rustle moment of quiet--nothing substantial heard</blockquote> He made a catalog of the "Williamsburg Bridge walkway":http://www.csulb.edu/~gbach/bridge.html. Imagine what that means to have done. And he has an "email list":http://groups.yahoo.com/group/pedestrianculture/. The "bibliography":http://www.csulb.edu/~gbach/biblio.html. And he has a link to "Henry Thoreau's Blog":http://blogthoreau.blogspot.com/. More than anything else I've seen (?), the concept of pedestrian culture is what the carfree movement means to me. Combine the awareness of being in space that motivates *Pedestrian Culture*, with the freedom to choose how your city is built and how you live your life. . . [There is, though, a social justice aspect to the carfree movement, which I think "Survival International":http://www.survival-international.org/ represents well. The cultures they are protecting don't use cars. Many of the poorest of any town don't use cars.] Here is more (edited) from the end of "Glenn Bach":http://www.csulb.edu/~gbach/'s thirteen-page CV. I have cut and revised it as I read and re-read it, now it seems almost a manifesto:<blockquote>My work embraces walking--a means of commuting to work, a method of contemplation and meditation, and a process by which to examine landscapes. Walking from, to, through, and within a place allows investigation into elements that make a place. With drawing, recorded and cataloged sound, digital photography, and found poetry, I map landscapes. I focus on sound to de-emphasize sight. I trace the sounds of a walk with a pen. I take photographs that suggest sound or sound-making. With slide shows I explore place data. What happens when each image in a cycle appears for seven seconds? What happens when the images are paired with a soundtrack less regular? Repeating, fleeting images and sounds build an experiential wash. My work is mindfulness: attention to the places around me, selecting moments for closer attention, giving life to my awareness of my place in the world.</blockquote> All this reminds me of the evening I went to the nearby "Campus Plaza shopping center":http://www.google.com/search?q=%22campus+plaza%22+%22san+diego%22+%22el+cajon%22 and decided to pretend I was in Venice, Italy. I visited stores I had never walked in. Smelled the smells. Watched the parking lot. I was inspired by an older man who walks and walks the perimeter of the center and who was now sitting in front of the Starbucks, just sitting. On a bench next to Vons I sat to meditate. Eventually in "full lotus":http://www.yogajournal.com/poses/488_1.cfm (not as good as hers). I would close my eyes. I also opened them without moving my neck or my eyes and watched the visual field. The sun was setting. I had finished an application I had been stressing about. I focused on breathing deep and huge, and appreciated California's exhaust controls, as the cars circled and entered or left spaces in front of me. Having spent that time there (two hours?) transformed a space I would never have thought to appreciate into a site of historic spiritual(?) experience, now inhabited by my memory of that evening. I did this to be with people. A woman in a parked car in front of me, while the passenger shopped half an hour. One person spoke to me, a kid walking the sidewalk with the homeless black-clothed ones: smalltalk at first, later asking for ganja. Conversations of those filling water jugs turned to wealth tips and "What do you drive?" The parking lot is like the water. The sidewalk around the lot is where the people who have made it to land walk. The edge has a roof, it is a covered walkway. In Venice I had been in "Piazza San Marco":http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Piazza_San_Marco in front of the tower, on the ground, facing the Basilica. I did not have a place to sleep, and tried sleeping crosslegged, listening to voices and footsteps. Later I walked out to a park and slept there after shitting in a canal and talking with some teenagers from Santa Barbara who had their own (their parents') 120-foot yacht.
Link How To Live Well Without Owning A Car by Chris Balish remote url Link 2006-08-13 2006-08-13
  This is by "Chris Balish":. Earlier he "asked for input":../cbemailqs/. Wonderful! The following is from the "publishers page":http://www.simpleliving.net/main/item.asp?itemid=954, which has pdfs of the first two chapters and table of contents that you can download. Here's "google on the title":http://www.google.com/search?q=how+to+live+well+without+owning+a+car too.<blockquote>**Avoid the gas pump! Cut expenses! Reduce debt! Simplify your life!** *How To Live Well Without Owning A Car* is a new nonfiction book by award-winning journalist and author Chris Balish. The book suggests taking a different path--a car-free path. The program in this book will show you how to live a full, active life without owning a car. And without a car to pay for, practically anyone can get out of debt, save money, and even achieve financial freedom. The truth is that tens of millions of working Americans do not need to own a car. There's no doubt that cars, trucks, and SUVs are useful tools. They provide instant, on-demand transportation at a moment's notice. They can haul heavy loads and help you run errands. And they can whisk you out of town for a weekend away. That's why this book does not suggest that you never use a car or never ride in one. This book simply argues that millions of Americans can get along just fine and save a fortune by not owning a car. When you do need one you can rent or use car sharing. Living car-free in America is not difficult, but it does require some mild lifestyle changes. This book will walk you through the process step by step. The strategies in this book will help put you on the car-free path to financial freedom; or, if you do not wish to get rid of your car entirely, they'll help you save money by using your car less. So even if living "car-free" isn't your style, this book can show you how to live happily "car-lite." About The Author Chris Balish is an award-winning feature writer, reporter, and six-time Emmy Award-winning broadcast journalist. He began his writing career working for Writer's Digest magazine and Writer's Digest Books. Since 1995 he has been a full-time reporter and television news anchor. Chris is the recipient of more than thirty awards for excellence in journalism and writing, including six regional Emmy Awards. He is a graduate of Dartmouth College in Hanover, New Hampshire.</blockquote>
Link crimethinc. ex-workers' collective remote url Link 2006-11-18 2006-11-18
  Read their "introduction":http://www.crimethinc.com/main/intro.html. I have never forgotten how it ends:<blockquote>See you on the other side of the screen, if you make it, earnest cyberspace cadet.</blockquote>(If you were wondering why I hardly work on this site any more. . .) I am adding their page because of their publication "fighting for our lives":http://www.crimethinc.com/a/fighting/. They do in fact mail out free copies.
Link Heinz Stücke left his hometown in the 1960s on a bicycle, and never stopped cycling remote url Link 2006-12-10 2006-12-10
  He writes:<blockquote>In search of adventure and with the desire to see something of the world, I started my tour around the globe in August 1960, from my home town of Hövelhof - Germany. I was 20. 17,000 km and 20 countries later I was back home but not for long. From November, 1962, up to the present day I have been cycling and travelling non stop.</blockquote> See also <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heinz_Stücke">wikipedia</a>, and "google":http://www.google.com/search?&q=Heinz+St%C3%BCcke.
Link Indigenous Cultures - Survival International remote url Link 2006-12-10 2006-12-14
  Since I read _Savages_, by Joe Kane, and all the other books I mention in my "third update":../update00004/#intro, and, more recently, _Endgame_, by Derrick Jensen, I have been more aware that car culture is destroying other cultures that do not use cars. I first added Survival International, an organization noted by George Monbiot, to the list of links on the main page. Now I want to reference a more extensive list of organizations seeking to help indigenous cultures avoid destruction. For now, I will link to the wikipedia category of "Indigenous Rights Organizations":http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Indigenous_rights_organizations. Here is "Survival International":http://www.survival-international.org/. I ordered some documents from Survival. They arrived almost a month later (and my emails sent asking when I might receive it went unanswered). Here are some of my reactions:<blockquote>. . . it seems to be a true history of the world (of the indigenous peoples), and of the beauty of real people in the world. Among the most memorable at the moment is a map of Siberia with 30+ names of indigenous nations scattered all over it. And I thought there was no one there. . .</blockquote>
Link The San Diego Sea to Sea Trail Foundation remote url Link 2006-12-11 2006-12-11
  Their Mission: After completing the Sea To Sea Trail (Trans County Trail), the goal of the Sea To Sea Trail Foundation will be to create a network of interconnected trails crisscrossing the lower 48 states of the United States. A person will be able to ride a bicycle, ride a horse or walk to every large or medium size town in the country. Trails will lead directly or indirectly to the nation&#8217;s major trails, such as the Appalachian Trail, the American Discovery Trail and the Pacific Crest Trail. All qualifying trails in the network can include www.seatoseatrail.org on their mile markers to indicate their being a part of the trail grid. Our first area of focus is San Diego. This branch is called the San Diego Trans County Trail. It is also known as the San Diego Sea To Sea Trail. The latter name is largely coincidental. The two seas it connects are the Pacific Ocean in Del Mar, California and The Salton Sea, 140 miles inland. This Trail crosses the Pacific Crest Trail, which extends from Mexico to Canada.
Link Reclaim The Streets San Diego: Friday April 13th, 2007 in downtown San Diego remote url Link 2007-02-26 2007-02-26
  <blockquote>The event itself is meant to remind the bystander and reaffirm to the participant that the streets belong to the people; not corporations, cars, or the government. It is the people's efforts that produced the roads themselves, and Reclaim The Streets simply means that for a period of time the masses are going to take back what is theirs and do what they choose with it.</blockquote>See also: o "SD RTS on MySpace":http://www.myspace.com/sdrts2007 o "Wikipedia on RTS":http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reclaim_the_Streets o "Google on RTS":http://www.google.com/search?q=reclaim+the+streets
Link San Diego Bike Co-op (bicycle cooperative / coop / bike kitchen / earn a bike) being planned remote url Link 2007-02-26 2007-02-26
  From the Feb-Mar 2007 *Chain Guard* (the newsletter of the "SD County Bicycle Coalition":http://www.sdcbc.org/):<blockquote>David Chernay, one of the founders of the "Ohio City Bicycle Co-op":http://www.ohiocitycycles.org/, has moved to San Diego. . . Mike Henderson also wants to make the coop a reality.</blockquote> See also: o "the original story (html version of newsletter)":http://www.google.com/search?q=cache:r4cHqXSNwjAJ:sdcbc.org/ChainGuard/February-March07.pdf+david+chernay+coop&hl=en&ct=clnk&cd=1&gl=us o "San Diego Earn A Bike and cooperative initiative":http://earnabike.org/ o "Google on San Diego Bicycle Cooperative":http://www.google.com/search?q=san+diego+bicycle+cooperative
Link Help Refurbish Electric Streetcars with San Diego Vintage Trolley remote url Link 2007-02-26 2007-02-26
  These cars will "be restored to operating condition and run in downtown San Diego on the loop formed by portions of today's Orange and Blue Lines--to be called the Silver Line." "Pictures of the cars":http://www.sdera.org/sdvt/photo_gallery.shtml. From the The San Diego Electric Railway Association (SDERA) site:<blockquote>Are you interested in volunteering some time to restore classic PCC (Presidents' Conference Committee) cars? There will be Saturday "work parties" and Tuesday / Thursday work sessions at the MTS yard in downtown San Diego. Please contact San Diego Vintage Trolley Project Manager Dave Slater (dslater at sdera.org) for details and to get authorization to be on the MTS property. The next work dates are Saturday, February 24, March 10 and March 24. For more information, visit "San Diego Vintage Trolley":http://www.sdera.org/sdvt.</blockquote>
Link Enjoy Car Free Days! remote url Link 2007-06-25 2007-06-25
  This is about pledging to have your own carfree days, in addition to participating on world carfree day.<blockquote>Car Free Days Campaign Scientists and the world's governments agree. Our carbon emissions are responsible for the dramatic rise in global temperatures. We are already seeing the consequences and it is time to act. Governments and scientists can't solve this problem alone. Each one of us is responsible. And each one of us must be part of the solution. This web site shows you how you can make a difference. You'll discover many ways to reduce your personal carbon emissions and lower your impact on global warming. You'll find fun, healthy activities that can bring more joy to your life while helping the planet. And you'll have the opportunity to be part of a world-wide pledge taken by concerned people like you to reduce their impact on the planet by driving less. One focus of this campaign is to encourage people to enjoy Car Free Days as often as they can. We won't solve this problem unless each person contributes. Please join us by doing your part to reduce global warming. The entire planet and future generations are counting on you.</blockquote>

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